The Jersey PodCats
If you love talking about cats, but your friends and family are kind of over it, this is the podcast for you! Join your hosts, Danielle Woolley and Elizabeth Gearhart, on The Jersey PodCats for entertaining conversations with everyday cat lovers talking about life, cats and everything in between! Follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and everywhere you listen to podcasts.
The Jersey PodCats
The Jersey PodCats Podcast: One Year Anniversary with Danielle and Elizabeth
It's time for the holidays and Danielle and Elizabeth dressed up for their 52nd episode, yes, it's been a year since they started this podcast for cat lovers! Danielle's antlers weren't behaving but they were still fun anyway... Danielle filled us all in on what happened to Loki after he licked the poisonous plant - he's fine now, but it was terrifying. Suffice it to say that Danielle checked every plant in her house, and if they posed a threat to cats, they were gone immediately. They went on to chat about their other cats and their strange cat behavior. They went on to talk about how fun their year of podcasting is, and how they plan to take a break because it is a lot of work. They asked for support from the community to hire a part time assistant, like Elizabeth has for the Passage to Profit radio show and podcast she does with her husband Richard. Did Danielle convince her husband to sit on the Grinch's lap? Listen to find out! Elizabeth talked about her family's yearly adventures in NYC for Christmas, it's quite the magical place if you like a big city at the holidays. Danielle talked about her support for the Arthritis Foundation and the Jingle Ball Run, then asked Elizabeth what her favorite episode was over the past year. There were so many good guests that Elizabeth brought up several and could have mentioned more! The conversation went on, if you ever have a question for Danielle or Elizabeth they'll be happy to answer it. They love cats and people, so question away! Of course we want to hear from you, we love chatting with pet parents, the more cat stories the better! We dare you to top Danielle and Elizabeth with stories about weird and funny cat behavior! We think we've seen it all, but maybe not... Find us online: Visit http://thejerseypodcats.com, download and review the podcast episodes in your favorite podcast player or from http://thejerseypodcats.buzzsprout.com, and join our FaceBook group The Jersey PodCats Community here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/thejerseypodcats/ The rescue organization that Danielle is involved with is www.tommyscatsnj.orgAnd the Passage to Profit website is https://passagetoprofitshow.com/
The Jersey PodCats
Danielle Woolley danielle@thejerseypodcats.com
Elizabeth Gearhart elizabeth@thejerseypodcats.com
Tommy’s Cats
Passage to Profit