The Jersey PodCats

The Cat Edition of Dealing with Medical Mysteries

Danielle Woolley & Elizabeth Gearhart

Welcome back to another episode of The Jersey PodCats! In this installment, your hosts, Danielle Woolley and Elizabeth Gearhart, dive into the fascinating and sometimes challenging world of cat care. If you've ever faced fur-related mysteries, health concerns, or quirky cat behavior, this episode is for you. From Elizabeth's recent visit to the vet with Maxicat, who’s dealing with persistent ear infections, to Danielle's adventures in fostering stray cats and managing a multi-cat household, they're serving up real-life anecdotes and advice that any cat lover can relate to. Join us as we explore medical mishaps, share tales from the rescue circuit, and celebrate the joys and trials that come with our feline companions. Whether you're a seasoned cat owner or an enthusiastic newbie in the cat world, grab a cozy spot with your purring pal, and let’s get into all things cat!

Of course we want to hear from you, we love chatting with pet parents, the more cat stories the better!  We dare you to top Danielle and Elizabeth with stories about weird and funny cat behavior!  We think we've seen it all, but maybe not...

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The rescue organization that Danielle is involved with is
And the Passage to Profit website is

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The Jersey PodCats

Danielle Woolley
Elizabeth Gearhart

Tommy’s Cats

Passage to Profit